November?! Gads. The days pass by so swiftly. It's already time for another Monthly Blog Hop with the
PixelScrapper members. The group sure has some amazing talent, so I encourage you to go to the website and check out the free offerings there.
With each new blog hop, I find myself learning more, as well as experimenting more. When I see something in someone else's kit that is really cool, I will try to learn how to make something similar. The theme for this month's blog hop is "Enchanted Autumn", lending itself to all things magical. A few members made kits with faeries and other mythical creatures. I tried to make some faeries - "tried" being the operative word here - but I was not happy with them. So I made a fox, instead. Don't ask me how those two things connect - but I think I was trying to keep to a "forest" theme.
Anyway, as always the below items are free to you. You are familiar with the "Pay It Forward" philosophy, and this is my small part in that movement. Please consider doing something special for someone in your life every single day. It doesn't have to be a big thing, in fact, the smaller things mean so much more, don't they? In our family, we have dry markers in our bathroom, and we write love notes to each other on the bathroom mirror. It can be that easy!
My designs are not pixel perfect, but were created at 300 ppi. I know that there are scrappers out there that love to work with pixel/gamut perfect pieces, and I applaud those designers that take the extra time to quality check every item in their inventory. (If you are familiar with the Meyers-Briggs personality type, I am an INFP). My moto is "keep it real, keep it casual, keep it calm".
Just click on the download link beneath each preview. Additionally, there are more elements and papers than what is being displayed in the preview. I get carried away sometimes, especially with designing the papers - I haven't yet found my rhythm with paper design. My last few kits have a heavy presence of corduroy - perhaps that is the fall and winter season impacting my creative flow. Each blank page is a new journey, and sometimes I can really feel the creative energy filling the paper. Other times I just need to hit the "delete" key. I try not to stress about it, because we are all artists in our own way, and the way we express ourselves is unique. Not better or worse, simply......beautifully unique. And I just wanted to say a sincere "Thank You" for your kind and thoughtful comments left here - my goodness, how they have touched my heart! Those comments are such an inspiration to me in so many ways.

As always, if you are looking for prior downloads, they are listed on the right side of this blog, under Archives.
I wish you blessings and blue skies,